Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Technology Standards

When looking at the technology standards, what struck me the most was who they could be applied to all levels and all contents areas. Technology is a part of our everday lives, and we need tp prepare students to be as succesful as possible in a world filled with ever changing technology.
I was very pleased to read standard #4, "creative thinking, problem solving and descision making." One of the most usefull skills we can teach our students is how to think and solve problems. It is also important that studnets are able to use technology to solve problems.
I read somewhere (I know, very bad not citing my sources) about how technology was actually harming the development of young people. Middle school students, and high schoolers (and lets be realistc, EVERYONE) do not alwyas think about the consequances of their actions on line. Online, unlike off line, is permenant. Nothing ever really goes away. Cyber bullying, innappropriete pictures, predators, sexting, etc. are all challenges studnets may face online. Students need to be taught how to use technology in an appropriete way and safe way. Actions they take now, can and will impact them in the future. And as technology becomes more prevelant, small mistakes amde in adolscents could end up haunting someone for life. I feel of all the standards, this might be the most important one.

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