Friday, December 18, 2009

Student Data

While I can see the advantage of using excel spreadsheets to keep track of data, adding it all at once somewhat defeats the purpose. It is a slow, tedious task.
If done over time, such as throughout a grading period, it would be a much more useful tool. Teachers can more easily see the class average and studnet growth.

For this class, students who were below the class average improved greatly from test #6 to test#10. So while they remain below the average, they are continuing to imporve and show growth.

Lesson Plan

Here is a link to my online salmon lesson plan on the salmon body parts!

Salmon Lesson

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Technology Standards

When looking at the technology standards, what struck me the most was who they could be applied to all levels and all contents areas. Technology is a part of our everday lives, and we need tp prepare students to be as succesful as possible in a world filled with ever changing technology.
I was very pleased to read standard #4, "creative thinking, problem solving and descision making." One of the most usefull skills we can teach our students is how to think and solve problems. It is also important that studnets are able to use technology to solve problems.
I read somewhere (I know, very bad not citing my sources) about how technology was actually harming the development of young people. Middle school students, and high schoolers (and lets be realistc, EVERYONE) do not alwyas think about the consequances of their actions on line. Online, unlike off line, is permenant. Nothing ever really goes away. Cyber bullying, innappropriete pictures, predators, sexting, etc. are all challenges studnets may face online. Students need to be taught how to use technology in an appropriete way and safe way. Actions they take now, can and will impact them in the future. And as technology becomes more prevelant, small mistakes amde in adolscents could end up haunting someone for life. I feel of all the standards, this might be the most important one.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ODE and me Part 2- state standards

How will this resource help me identify state standards I must address?
Well, this may seem rather obvious, but if I am not familiar with the standards then I can not be sure I am teaching my students what they should know (or at least what the state thinks they should know). The website will allow me to find what benchmarks and areas I should focus on (lets face it, there are a ton in math, I will need to focus on the main concepts) and ajust my curriculum accordingly.

ODE and Me part one

How can I make use of graphic organizers to illustrate concepts I’ll be teaching?
I love grpahic organizers. Really, words alone can not express my feelings for graphic organizers. AS a student, when given graphic organizers, I think I did better. I still need them. In a math class graphic organizers can be used for terms and vocabulary, creating word webs conecting terms and helping studnets understand concepts. in fact (being the nerd I am, which I have embraced)I did a google search on math graphic organizers and found a bunch that I hope to use. I even found some that will be applicable for my lesson plan assignment for math methods. The volume one is pretty cool.
I also found a flow chart that explains what grpahic organizer is best for certain topics.

Web 2.0 in the classroom

A great web 2.0 tool for the classroom is google docs. In fact, google has an entire blog dedicated to using google docs in the classroom. Teahcers can have students work collobartivly on a class document or project, can produce tests or surveys using form, or use any of the hundreds of templates created by teachers and google for the classroom.
A second web 2.0 tool that can effectily be used in the classroom are class wikis. Wikis allow for multiple users to edit and add information. Classes could create wikis similiar to wikipedia, which is a public encyclopedia edited by the public. Classes could also create wikis to keep track of classroom house keeping, such as topics being covered, schedules, etc.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Self assessment

I never really thought of using technolgoy in the classroom much, in the recent years many of the schoosl I worked with had little in the way of technology beyond overheads and a computer or two in each class.
Here is a link to how I think I have met the requirements.

Friday, October 30, 2009 is a website where you can create livestreaming broadcasts. It is really simple, I figured it out in less then 30 minutes. You create a channel (when you set up the account your account name becomes you channel). You can save broadcasts, or only broadcast live. When broadcasting live, anybody who has your channel can watch, as long as they are on at the time you are broadcasting. You can set up times so viewers can watch. Applications in the classroom are students can make broadcasts of presentations and either save them or share them live. I was thinking this could be great for students home sick for a longer period of time, or during breaks. Granted, studnets mght hate you forever, but such is life. Another application would be viewing broadcasts acorss the world. Students could watch a "guest" speakers, in a different part of the state, country or even world. That could be a very powerful presentation. Here is my channel and broadcast:

Google docs

I love google docs. They are easy to use and have tons of applications in the classroom. Students can edit each others papers and the changes are tracked on google. Google docs can be used in Language Arts classes, math classes (you cna create spread sheets, graphs, even write equations), science (google has sample lesson plans for environmental science).

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 are tools that allow the user to interact with one an other, and are created by (or modified) by the user. Unlike web 1.0 that was centered around the creator of the site or tool, web 2.0 is user centered. Examples include wikis, facebook, blogs, and any other web based tools that allows the user to interacts with the information.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Blogs in classes

Blogs can be used in vareity of ways in schools. Students could have their own blogs and comment on one an others, focusing on specific discussions or topics. This could allow students on vacation or homesick to still stay in touch with peers (and school).
A class could have a blog they work on together. Students could update the blog with information about the class, etc.This could be a useful tool for parents and community members to have a better idea what is going on it class.


I have always wanted to be a teacher, except for a few years as a teen when I was attempting to rebel against what I was convinced was what my parents wanted me to. Then I got over it and realized that I love working with young people, love learning, and most of all love to teach.
I am persuing my MAT at Willamette University. I am working on endorsments in Middle Level Math, ESOL, and Elementary Education.